I have decided to do this assignment based on my relationship with my name.

I am asked to create this series where written words have played a part in it’s creation. There is nothing more personal than our names and our signatures. But how do you feel if you feel it you have someone else’s name?

David Favrod writes down what he wants to show and to say and makes sketches of the proposed images. 

Ideas I want to include:

  • use of a mixture of images, handwritten texts (Jim Goldberg, ‘raised by wolves’)
  • archival images / new work
  • the shift between past and present . . . (Kuhn)
  • word on images,
  • consider how much I want the viewer to know and how much I want them to draw their own conclusions, open their experience, not close it down.
  • text should add information not tell the viewer something they already know
rough notes, outlining idea