google search for Stolpersteine (stumbling blocks)

Stolpersteine is a public arts project started in 1996 by artist Gunter Demnig. A series of square cobblestones set into the pavements in Berlin contain the names of jewish people who were victims of the Nazis in the 1930s and 40s.

It is argued that much like ‘postmemory’, these stones act as a remembrance of those people, but also as way of provoking memory. by reading the names and dates of the people, those viewing them are given a window to the past, triggering memories and stories told.

This reminds me a little of the poppies we use to remember our fallen heros in the UK. When you see a poppy it triggers lots of sayings and memories we have been brought up with. I was not born during either of the world wars, but do feel that we have an emotional connection to all of those people who died during that time.

I feel that music is also a trigger for postmemories, such as the songs I grew up with trigger memories of my parents and our family life.