Make a list of some aspects of your personality that make you unique.
● Start taking a few pictures that could begin to express this.
● How could you develop this into a body of work?

What makes me unique? this exercise is asking about personality rather than physical traits. It’s more difficult to depict and display your personality publicly. what you look like and what you are feeling at a given moment in time are more comfortable subject matter, but to present your personality traits to a viewer is more personal, more telling, it’s accepting our good and bad natures that drive us! Also how you think you present yourself, might not be the same as others see it.

For the purposes of this exercise, I’m not ready to share my list, but I can take some pictures that start to express this:

Holding a Mirror to my personality

Currently we are in a 3rd Lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic and I have been working for a year now at home. Therefore, I am limited as to where I can go to take these images. Therefore, it might be good to expand this series with some images taken in other places. I think I have explored some of my more negative personality traits due to it being winter and dark outside, I would like to add more positive images of myself.

According to NNL “Everyone wants to be liked . . . . You should definitely strengthen and improve your personality“. Is that possible, how does my personality stack up against these ‘best‘ traits? Hmm!

  • Learn Social Skills
  • Create an Impressive Smile
  • Always keep cool
  • Develop a dressing sense
  • confidence is sexy
  • be humble
  • make others feel good in your company
  • show only an optimistic side
  • people fancy a good listener
  • start taking care of yourself
  • try to stay happy
  • volunteer to help other


Staff, N. N. L. “NetNewsLedger – the 12 Best Ways to Have an Attractive Personality.” NetNewsLedger, 18 Sept. 2019, Accessed 7 Feb. 2021.