Getting Started

Starting to take a look through the material and get a feel for what’s going to be required of me.  I’m both excited and daunted at the same time!!
An extract from my course book, which I think would be great to keep for later use.
Course aims and outcomes 
Please take a moment to read through the aims and outcomes for this course. The aims and outcomes are mapped to the assessment criteria and we’ll be reflecting back on them at the beginning of Part Five.
The course aims to:
  • enable you to begin using technical and visual skills appropriately
  • enable you to produce practical work which uses the above understanding and  demonstrates skills of personal engagement, enquiry, imagination and experimentation
  • develop your understanding of contemporary and historical approaches he  photography
  • introduce critical analysis and self-appraisal of ideas, processes and outcomes.
On successful completion of the course you’ll be able to:
  • create images that demonstrate a practical and conceptual understanding of how to  apply techniques and visual skills
  • show initial ability in translating ideas into personal imagery • conduct a procedure of research, development and production in relation to the course themes
  • begin to reflect on the various levels of meaning in your own and others’ photography.
Even if you don’t intend to submit your work for formal assessment, it’s useful to take on board these outcomes to support your learning and use as a means of self-assessment. You can check your progress against the learning outcomes in your learning log when you review your progress against each assignment
(this is my attempt at trying to write a reference correctly, not sure if it’s right yet)
Bloomfield et al (2017), Photography 1, Expressing you vision, OCA