Assignment 1 – Tutor Feedback and Reflection

View Tutor Feedback


In general I was really pleased with the feedback I received from my first assignment.

What went well:

My tutor felt that I had prepared well, but allowed myself to be open to the experience and serendipity.  I have photographed this area on many occasions before, but I do feel that I went with a view that I wanted to learn something new.  Although, I do feel I have taken better images at other times, I do think I was looking at it with new eyes in trying to answer this brief.  For me the learning point here, is that even familiar places and things and always reveal something new if look in a different way.

I do think that I consider composition when I’m taking photos, so was pleased that he felt that I showed compositional abilities and an ability to ‘choose my moment’.  However, having just completed Exercise 1.2, placing ‘the point’ in different positions and seeing how that relates to the frame has already made me think I would like to challenge myself compositionally as I tend to stick to rule of thirds and triangles.

What could be improved:

My tutor felt that by naming the images, I was directing the viewer what to think.  Particularly the one I called ‘Stage ride by’ which he found distracting as he didn’t know what it meant.  I realised that locals know that there are two white structures by the side of beach, one of which is called ‘the stage by the sea’, but of course it isn’t obvious without the explanation so I agree that this was misleading and a distraction.

One of the photos was underexposed slightly and therefore looked out of kilter with the rest of the set.

and finally, he felt that the photos would be better represented if I showed them as full size individual photos.

Actions to take:

  • amend assignment blog to:
    • remove names on the final photos and replace with numbers
    • display as images as individual pictures.
    • re-edit image 7
  • makes sure that course work is on learning log
  • follow up the research points in notes
  • review reading list and consider buying some of the titles
  • print final images ready for assessment at the end of the module.